Henrietta the Moose
Wawa has its famous Wawa Goose….and Young’s General Store has its famous Henrietta the Moose. Henrietta first wandered onto the porch at Young’s General Store in the mid 90’s. She was an immediate hit with residents and tourists alike. Everyone wanted to get their photo taken with Henrietta the Moose!

In May 2001 just as the Young family was preparing for their busiest tourist season, Conservation Officers came to the door requesting Henrietta’s assistance in an important court case. Henrietta was carefully transported to Sault Ste. Marie with a promise that she would eventually be returned.
Henrietta the Moose was immediately missed. One year passed and still no sign of Henrietta. Understandably distraught residents initiated a yellow ribbon campaign and posted Moose Crossing signs in their front windows in support of bringing Henrietta home. Local politicians and residents wrote letters to the Minister of Natural Resources demanding her return. Members of the Provincial Legislature even wore yellow ribbons to help promote Wawa’s growing appeal to the M.N.R.
Exactly two years after her departure, and after much media attention, Henrietta was finally sent home to welcoming arms. Young’s General Store is happy to have their famous mascot back on the front porch to welcome guests and have her photo taken with hundreds of visitors every year.
Henrietta loves to have her photo taken. Please send us your photos of Henrietta to [email protected] and be sure to visit the Photos page to see all the photos of our famous moose.